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Leighton Library, Dunblane

Scotland's oldest purpose-built independent library founded in 1687

Join our friendly team of volunteers

Are you “Pious and sober, trusty and of good behaviour”?

If so, you would have met the criteria to look after the Library in 1688!

Back then in the seventeenth century you would have had to keep the books and shelves free from dust, moths and cobwebs, and “suffer no persons to haunt the Library but such as come with a purpose to read.”

The Library is completely run by volunteers.

• Trustees and Executive group members plan and organise (and much more!)

• Guides welcome visitors from around the world and share the background to Bishop Leighton, the building, the books, and the borrowers.

There are many other roles too:

• Creating newsletters

• Managing the database of Friends of the Leighton Library

• Planning events and special visits

• Fund-raising

• Online presence / communications

• Contributing to education resources 

• Maintenance of the building and the books

• Developing the Library as an asset to Dunblane.

At this exciting stage in the Library’s development, it’s a perfect time to join our friendly team of volunteers. There is no formal time commitment – it’s as much or as little as you can manage! If you would like to know more, click on this link to send an email to Volunteer Co-ordinator Dan Gunn. He will be happy to tell you about the different roles and discuss how best to use your talents to help support and promote the Library to a wide audience

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