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Leighton Library, Dunblane

Scotland's oldest purpose-built independent library founded in 1687

Leighton Library has a 1646 edition of

Leighton Library has a 1646 edition of "Horologium hebraeum" by Wilhelm Schickard

Added at 06:18 on 22 April 2024
Leighton Library has a 1646 edition of "Horologium hebraeum" by German mathematician and professor of Hebrew and Astronomy Wilhelm Schickard who was born #OnThisDay 1592. He became famous in the 20th century after it was claimed that the drawings of a calculating clock, predating the public release of Pascal's calculator by twenty years, had been discovered in two unknown letters written by him in 1623-4
< Leighton Library has a 1543 edition of "Loci Communes rerum theologicarum seu hypotyposes theologicae" by Philipp MelanchthonLeighton Library has a 1634 edition of "Exotericarum exercitationum liber XV. De subtilitate, ad Hieronymum Cardanum" by Julius Caesar Scaliger >
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