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Leighton Library, Dunblane

Scotland's oldest purpose-built independent library founded in 1687

Leighton Library has a 1724 edition of his

Leighton Library has a 1724 edition of his "De officio hominis et civis, juxta legem naturalem" by Baron Samuel von Pufendorf

Added at 07:23 on 13 October 2024
The Leighton Library has a 1724 edition of his "De officio hominis et civis, juxta legem naturalem" by German jurist, political philosopher, economist, statesman, and historian Baron Samuel von Pufendorf who died #OnThisDay 13 October 1694. This is a treatise on the duty of man and citizen according to the natural law
< Leighton Library has 1653 first edition of "Conjectura cabbalistica" by Henry MoreLeighton Library has a 1675 edition of "England's present interest discovered with honour to the prince, and safety to the people" by William Penn >
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