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Leighton Library, Dunblane

Scotland's oldest purpose-built independent library founded in 1687

Dunblane's historic Leighton Library has a 1638 edition of one of the best known works of Italian Saint Thomas Aquinas

Dunblane's historic Leighton Library has a 1638 edition of one of the best known works of Italian Saint Thomas Aquinas

Added at 08:05 on 07 March 2024
Dunblane's historic Leighton Library has a 1638 edition of "Summa Theologica" one of the best known works of Italian Dominican priest and philosopher, Saint Thomas Aquinas, who died #OnThisDay 1274. He was an immensely influential philosopher and foremost classical proponent of natural theology. Much of modern philosophy was conceived in development or refutation of his ideas, particularly in the areas of ethics, natural law, metaphysics, and political theory
< Dunblane's historic Leighton Library has a 1639 edition of "De veritate fidei christianae"Leighton Library has a first edition of the highly influential "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" >
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