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Leighton Library, Dunblane

Scotland's oldest purpose-built independent library founded in 1687

Leighton Library has a 1756 edition of

Leighton Library has a 1756 edition of "Exhortations et instructions chretiennes" by Louis Bourdaloue

Added at 06:57 on 20 August 2024
The Leighton Library has a 1756 edition of "Exhortations et instructions chretiennes" by French Jesuit and preacher (praised for his fiery eloquence), Louis Bourdaloue who was born #OnThisDay 20 August 1632
< Leighton Library has volumes 1-2 second edition dated 1710-1722 of "Origines Ecclesiasticae, or Antiquities of the Christian Church" by Joseph BinghamLeighton Library has a 1769 edition of "Letters of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu" by Mary Wortley Montagu >
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