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Leighton Library, Dunblane

Scotland's oldest purpose-built independent library founded in 1687

Leighton library has 6-volume 1620-1621 edition of

Leighton library has 6-volume 1620-1621 edition of "Illustris viri Iacobi Augusti Thuani Historiarum sui temporis ab anno Domini 1543. vsque ad annum 1607" by Paris Jacques Auguste de Thou

Added at 06:25 on 08 October 2024
The Leighton library has 6-volume 1620-1621 edition of "Illustris viri Iacobi Augusti Thuani Historiarum sui temporis ab anno Domini 1543. vsque ad annum 1607" by French historian, book collector and president of the Parliament of Paris Jacques Auguste de Thou (Thuanus) who was born #OnThisDay 8 October 1553. He established one of the finest libraries developed during the Renaissance era. His object was to produce a scientific and unbiased work detailing history. However his approach exposed him to the animosity and persecution by authorities. His history was first published in its complete 138 books three years after his death
< Leighton Library has a 1615 first edition of "De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas" by Matteo RicciLeighton Library has 1702 first edition of "Astronomiae physicae & geometricae elementa" by David Gregory >
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