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Leighton Library, Dunblane

Scotland's oldest purpose-built independent library founded in 1687

Leighton Library has a 1675 edition of

Leighton Library has a 1675 edition of "Pensées de M. Pascal sur la religion, et sur quelques autres sujets" by Blaise Pascal

Added at 05:48 on 19 June 2024
The Leighton Library has a 1675 edition of "Pensées de M. Pascal sur la religion, et sur quelques autres sujets, qui ont esté trouvées après sa mort parmy ses papiers" by French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and philosopher Blaise Pascal who was born #OnThisDay 19 June 1623. He was a child prodigy, and as a teenager wrote a treatise on the subject of projective geometry, and started pioneering work on calculating machines, establishing him as one of the first two inventors of the mechanical calculator
< Leighton Library has a 1754 first edition of "A short conference betwixt Mr Adam Gib, Minister of the Gospel in the Associate Congregation at Edinburgh, and a country-man in the parish of Biggar"Leighton Library has a 1768 edition of “An essay on the history of civil society” by Adam Ferguson >
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